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Research & Development 

Research Development: As glassmakers are required to handle more challenging containers more efficiently, Dura Temp’s team of Technical Specialists is constantly exploring new ideas and solutions to make the hot ware handling process more efficient. The continuous introduction of new and improved products is a demonstration of Dura Temp’s efforts to provide service that is unmatched in the glass industry.


Custom Solutions: Dura Temp’s Technical Specialists evaluate each customer’s hot ware handling needs and will suggest the most cost-effective and efficient solution. Most customers can implement Dura Temp’s standard line of quick-change products for excellent hot ware handling. However, sometimes customers are making glass that would better be handled by a custom product. Some of the specialized custom solutions that Dura Temp offers include its line of products to handle pharmaceutical and flaconnage ware, its custom sweepout pockets for flask containers, and its HW Series products that perform well for exceptionally hot or heavy ware.

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Dura Temp Corporate Office

949 S. McCord Road,  Holland, Ohio 43528 USA · Phone: +1-419-866-4348 · Fax: +1-419-866-4656

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